Aug 11, 2001

August 11, 2001, was an typical day for the volunteers on the AIAA Wright Flyer Project. The earliest of risers were working at 7 AM, others showed up in time to accomplish their tasks or to drop off the sections of the airplane assigned to be built at home.

To give some idea as to what is involved in a typical workday at the Project, Marilyn Ramsey (Project Public Relations) took a few candid snapshots for this photo essay.

Bob Evans poses with our wing section mock-up

A comparison of the leading edge and aft spars (major structural components) of our future Flyer. The leading edge spare is on the right.

From left to right, Jack Cherne - Project Chairman, Norm Booher - Control Actuation Designer, and Dr. Fred Culick - Project Chief Engineer, discuss design options that will allow the pilot to control the airplane safely.

Norm Booher, recent volunteer on the project, has become a critical member at a critical time. Here he is shown laying out the control system mechanisms on the drawing board.

Adolfo Ibarra is busy constructing the test stand on which we will be checking out our engine.

Gary Moir, structural analyst for the project, gives an impromptu tour of the progress on Ship #2 to a group of visitors.

Copyright © 2001, AIAA Wright Flyer Project, all rights reserved.

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