One of the original goals set forth for the project in 1978 is to document
all activities and discoveries of the Project as contributions to technical
history and education. Over the years there have been numerous lectures
and presentations, technical papers and publications in national journals
and magazines dedicated to achieving this goal, and this effort will continue
to receive heavy emphasis as the centennial approaches.
The photos and essays you read on this site are just a small sample of
the thousands of hours of thought and dedication that has been invested in
disseminating the knowledge which we have acquired in researching the Wright
Brothers and specifically their first powered aircraft. Listed below is
a bibliography of papers that members have prepared to give a comprehensive
coverage of the project and related history. Not listed are the over fifty
public lectures to AIAA Sections, universities, public schools and public
service organizations on the history of the Wright Brothers' accomplishments
and the progress of our project.
Based on our three wind tunnel test programs (two sub-scale and one full-scale)
and our static loads analysis and tests, our written materials covering the
structural properties, the aerodynamics, and the stability and control of
the Wrights' 1903 Flyer are unlikely ever to be surpassed.
In addition to the two successful replicas of the Wright 1903 Flyer, the
legacy of this project will be both a thorough documentation of the Project
and, more importantly, of the historical and technical story of the Wright
Brothers' work from 1899 to 1909.
Where technology and copyright law permit, we have provided links to download
the referenced papers. All downloads are in Adobe Acrobat(tm) format and
should be easily accessible to any person on any computing platform (i.e.
Windows, Macintosh, Linux, UNIX, etc). If you download a file yet cannot seem
to open it, you probably need to get the
Adobe Acrobat
Reader, available free.
Approximate file sizes and time to download are listed for each download.
- Jansen, Maj. Michael, and Jorris, Capt. Timothy,
In-Flight Simulation of the AIAA 2003 Wright Flyer,
47th Symposium of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Los Angeles,
September, 2003.
- Culick, F.E.C.,
Wright Brothers: The First Aeronautical Engineers and Test Pilots,
45th Symposium of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Los Angeles,
September, 2001.
(2.3Mb, approximate download time 11 min on 56kb modem)
- Culick, F.E.C.,
What the Wright Brothers Did and Did Not Understand About Flight Mechanics
- In Modern Terms,
37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference,
AIAA Paper No. 2001-3385, July, 2001.
(4.2Mb, approximate download time 20 min on 56kb modem)
- Culick, F.E.C.,
The AIAA Wright Flyer Project, 1978-2008,
AIAA Wright Flyer Project White Paper, 2008.
(1.8Mb, approximate download time 8 min on 56kb modem)
- Colebank, J.E., Jansen, M.M., Haug, R.L., Johansen, K.H.,
Jorris, K.H.and Casado, J.L.,
A Limited Handling Qualities Evaluation of an In-Flight Simulation of the 2003
Wright Flyer,
U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, Report AFFIC-TIM-01-07, 2001.
- Marx, H.,
Unlocking the Secrets of the First Airplane to Fly: The Wright Flyer
Project Story,
Technology in Society, Vol. 23, pp. 1-9, 2001.
- Trelease, R.,
Enabling Technologies Beginning with Kitty Hawk 1900,
AIAA Space 2000 Conference and Exposition, AIAA Paper No. 2000-5232, 2000.
- Jex, H.R., Magdaleno, R.E. and Lee, D.,
Virtual Reality Simulation of the '03 Wright Flyer Using
Full-Scale Test Data,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Denver, CO,
AIAA Paper 2000-4088, 2000.
- Jex, H, Grimm, R., Latz, J.P., and Hange, C.,
Full-Scale 1903 Wright Flyer Wind Tunnel Test Results From the
NASA Ames Research Center
AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 2000-0512, 2000.
(2.1Mb, approximate download time 10 min on 56kb modem)
- Cherne, J., Culick, F.E.C., and Zell, P.,
The AIAA 1903 Wright 'Flyer' Project Prior to Full-Scale Tests at
NASA Ames Research Center
AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 2000-0511, 2000.
(1.7Mb, approximate download time 8 min on 56kb modem)
- Jex, H. and Culick, F.E.C.,
Results of Wind Tunnel Tests of the 1903 Wright Flyer:
Stability, Control and Flying Qualities,
SAE Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee, Meeting No 84, 1999.
(Best Paper Award).
- Marx, H.,
Static Proof Load Test of a Full-Scale 1903 Wright Flyer Fitted
for Wind Tunnel Testing,
AIAA Aircraft Design Systems and Operations Meeting, AIAA Paper No.93-3937,
- Culick, F.E.C.,
Building a 1903 Wright 'Flyer' - By Committee,
AIAA 26th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 88-0094, 1988.
- Friend, C.,
Safety Analysis of the 1903 Wright Flyer,
internal project memo, 1987.
- Jex, H.R. and Culick, F.E.C.,
Flight Control Dynamics of the 1903 Wright Flyer,
12th AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, AIAA Paper No. 85-1804-CP,
- Hooven, F.,
Longitudinal Dynamics of the Wright Brothers Early Flyers,
Proceedings of The Wright Flyer: An Engineering Perspective,
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1985.
- Culick, F.E.C. and Jex, H.R.,
Aerodynamics, Stability and Control of the 1903 Wright Flyer,
Proceedings of The Wright Flyer: An Engineering Perspective,
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1985.
- Howe, D. et al.,
1903 Wright Flyer 1/8-Scale Wind Tunnel Aerodynamic Data,
internal project memo, 1982.
- Bettes, W.H. and Culick, F.E.C.,
Report on Wind Tunnel Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of the 1903
Wright Flyer,
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
GALCIT Report No. 1034, 1982.
- McPhail, C.D.,
Analysis of Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment of the 1903 Wright
internal project memo, 1981.
- Culick, F.E.C.,
The Origins of the First Powered, Man-Carrying Airplane,
Scientific American, December, 1979.
- Hooven, F.J.,
The Wright Brothers Flight Control System,
Scientific American, December 1978.
Copyright © 2001, AIAA Wright Flyer Project,
all rights reserved.