Lynore Brekke, FAA Western Pacific 
                   Regional Executive Manager
Lynore Brekke, FAA Western Pacific Reginoal Executive Manager
Bill Withycombe FAA Western Pacific 
                   Regional Administrator
Bill Withycombe, FAA Western Pacific Regional Administrator, opens the ceremony


Setting Up for the Kickoff Event - FAA Flight Deck Museum
By Marilyn Ramsey

Pictures from the Kickoff Event

It is six o'clock on Wednesday night. You won't believe the Flight Deck when you see it! Unloading went smoothly. I got here at 5:00 am to move the ropes (they are now just around the center of the airplane, as required) and Charles, the lead custodian touched up the floor. I met Bert Konle this morning at about 6:30 when he pulled in the driveway at the building. He's great. Since he has retired, this is what he does - drives show trucks for special exhibits and shows! The security guard checked him and his truck out and let him proceed to drive up to the front of the building and park. First, I introduced him to Orville and the airplane, then we went into the cafeteria and had breakfast.


From left to right:  
             Wilbur Wright (Steve Woolridge of FAA), Charlie Taylor (Roland McKee of FAA),
             and Orville Wright (Charles Heckrotte of TRW)
The Masters of Ceremonies for the event: from left to right: Wilbur Wright (Steve Woolridge of FAA), Charlie Taylor (Roland McKee of FAA), and Orville Wright (Charles Heckrotte of TRW)

Later, Merrie, Tony, Christina and Ola came in to assist in unloading the display panels, so I took photos of the operation. The display and truck are prettier than I could have imagined. I think the displays really blew folks away. The rehearsals are completed; when our singer rehearsed today (I got to hear her for the first time), the "goosebumps" attacked me - she is good. The extra set of propellers are in place in front of the stage and look really great. I have actually just gotten to my e-mail right now. I am printing out another batch of programs. Jim Mendrala, Virginia Johns and Zenobia Millet (who is a friend of Mendrala's and another expert in sound) came in at 1:00 pm today and worked until 4:00 pm. Virginia also captured all the new displays on video. (I had forgotten that Jim received an Emmy for his work in setting up the '84 Olympics!) The sound is now tied into the cameras, so we will get good consistent quality on the tapes when they use the "roving wireless mikes". (Mendrala borrowed a piece of equipment from an associate which made everything work, but has to return it to that person tomorrow afternoon as he has another job where it is needed!)


I had the biggest laugh tonight - after most folks went home, I went down to get the props in the lobby and move them to the triangle room. Lt. Smith, the guard supervisor was sitting at the desk up front. I went over to the corner (out of sight) and picked up a prop, balanced it on my shoulder, and started walking across the lobby area. Lt. Smith looked up at me with a very surprised look...... and immediately turned around and looked up at the airplane (like he thought I had snatched a prop off the airplane!). He looked back at me with a questioning look and I said sarcastically, "No, I didn't steal the prop off the airplane..." He started laughing and said his first thought is "How did she get that prop down so fast!?" I wish I had caught that on video.


Kent Kresa
AIAA President and CEO of Northrop Grumman Kent Kresa spoke of what the AIAA is doing to promote, participate in and to celebrate the centennial of flight worldwide
Jerry Lederer
The career of Jerry Lederer, one of the pioneers of aviation safety, was honored by the FAA
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin was kind enough to accept our invitation to attend and add a few words regarding conincidences in the unending pursuit of discovery


Exlempary students from the FAA adoptive school 
             in Lawndale, CA
As part of its educational outreach program, the FAA Western Pacific Region has adopted a local grade school. These students are being recognized for exlemplary achivement.

It turns out that both kids who spoke in the AIAA video will be present and will be recognized and receive certificates signed by Bill Withycombe! We will also have about eight other kids from another school who have excelled in their studies. They also will receive certificates.


By the way, Burt showed me an extra feature on his truck that Lenny did not have - a pull-out shelf that will allow the fork lift to actually set the airplane down, and it can then be rolled into the truck - and no lifting. We will see that on our training day on 9/29.


It should be a great day tomorrow! Jack, you should be very proud of what you have accomplished! This is spectacular!!!



See you tomorrow,

Project Chariman Jack Cherne accepts 
             award of appreciation from Bill Withycombe
Jack Cherne, Chairman of the AIAA Wright Flyer Project, accepts an award of appreciation from Bill Withycombe
FAA Little Aviators perform
Entertainment was provided by the FAA Little Aviators


Copyright \xa9 2002, AIAA Wright Flyer Project, all rights reserved.

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