
The AIAA Wright Flyer replica is installed in the NASA Ames 40' x 80' Full-Scale Aerodynamic Facility!

Almost there! The large blue structure, vaguely resembling a cannon in the center left of the picture is the sting support system on which our replica will be placed. The two NASA employees on the scissors lift are working on the balance, an intricate and highly instrumented device that measures the required six forces and moments.


Installed! Careful inspection will show the pad that we had to use to mount the replica to the balance, below and slightly to Orville's right. This photo also clearly shows how large scale models are installed in this facility - through the roof! Prior to running, the upper doors of the tunnel will be closed making this a closed-section wind tunnel. Finally, NASA project manager Pete Zell can be seen in the lower left hand corner of this picture.


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